Bresenham's circle generation algorithm

Bresenham's circle drawing algorithm

Bresenham's circle drawing algorithm is a circle drawing algorithm that selects the nearest pixel position to complete the arc.
The unique part of this algorithm is that it uses only integer arithmetic which makes it significantly faster than mid point circle generation algorithm.

                   (xc,yc)     \\centre of the circle
                   getcircle(  xc,yc, x, y)
\\function to print pixel
                   While( x<=y):
                         getcircle(xc, yc, x,y)

                 getcircle(xc, yc, x,y)
                     putpixel(xc+x, yc+y)
                     putpixel(xc-x, yc+y)
                     putpixel(xc+x, yc-y)
                     putpixel(xc-x, yc-y)
                     putpixel(xc+y, yc+x)
                     putpixel(xc-y, yc+x)
                     putpixel(xc+y, yc-x)
                     putpixel(xc-y, yc-x)



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